Talk aloud reflection

I found it enjoyable to observe and record the mental processes of others while they are performing tasks. I observed a member of the Erickson School staff, a UMBC graduate and an undergraduate student who is majoring in sociology but may have interest in Aging.

The experience was enjoyable, however filling out the aggregate UAR forms didnt make much sense to me. I already had a list of issues that the website has I didnt think it was particularly useful to have to record them through a template that wasnt mine and didnt contribute to my redesign. I enjoyed getting to know some of my students who participated in this talk aloud.

I found it interesting that pretty much everyone had the exact same issues with the website, there was very little deviation.

I feel well equipped now to make some significant changes to the design.

Critical incidents report

Think aloud tasks

 Our revised tasks 

  1. Use the website to find contact information for Galina Madjaroff
  2. Use the website to find information about Dr. Jodah Ronch’s area of specialization
  3. Use the website to find a list of courses required for the undergraduate major, and then go back to the home page
  4. Use the website to find a current news article about the Erickson School
  5. Use the website to find when and where the next Executive Development event will be
  6. Use the website to find a list of internship sites offered by the Erickson School

HE experience

Performing the UAR analysis was a very new task to me. I found that I didn’t quite understand the purpose of categorizing and rating positive or negative aspects of a website’s design. I found the process useful in a sense that if I were a developer and a client has asked me to evaluate their website/software I would use this tool in order to be more professional and organized.

For this assignment I often felt forced to find issues or problems with the system since I was hunting for eight. It was difficult for me to be detailed since most of the issues I noticed were minor (in my opinion) and were merely aesthetically displeasing rather than detrimental to a user’s experience.

In all honesty I found it more useful getting together with my group members and verbally critiquing each other’s websites rather than the long UAR process…BUT I am glad that I did it and have the knowledge under my belt.

Reading reflection: Usability testing

Coming from the world of aging, usability testing seems as one of the most, if not the most appropriate way to learn about this particular groups needs. Reliability as well as validity come as a frightening factor however. Specifically with the aging population, individual differences are so utterly high that if you have met one older person you have met one older person, the levels of dimension are extremely complex and high. So how does one find reliability in usability testing with older adults? Validity is also an issue with user testing and critically important for aging research or any research. Making sure to avoid validity issues is key.

Usability testing also involves planning, budgeting and making sure pilot testing is implemented. The next step is selecting appropriate test users and whether between or within subject testing will be performed.

Ethical issues must also be acknowledged, after all we are working with other individuals who should not be caused any harm. The authors also discuss the stages of a test and making sure that all stages are implemented appropriately, preparation, introduction,  testing and debriefing. My understanding is that making sure you are methodical, organized and clear about your purpose, the usability testing should be successful. The authors also stress that having an operational definition for testing is critical.

Thinking aloud is a method involving the user speaking aloud while they are performing a certain task.  This may be difficult for some but qualitatively it is a very useful tool to use during testing. Avoiding this uncomfortable aspect may be useful by performing a constructive interaction where two users are performing a task and thinking aloud.

Overall the usability method seems that it would result in a wealth of both quantitative and qualitative information, however a researcher must ask themselves whether it is the most appropriate method in order to answer their question.




Rosa is a twenty year old transfer student from Montgomery College, Rockville campus. Rosa transferred to UMBC with the intention to pursue a degree in Biology and ultimately go to medical school. 

Rosa is a first generation college student and … Continue reading

Environmental analysis

The website will be primarily used by faculty, staff and students at the UMBC campus and off, who have access to the internet. The site will also be visited by outside users who are researching the field of aging and may be interested in pursuing any of the three programs offered by the school.  The site should have mobile usability since the visitors will most likely visit through their mobile phones. The redesign will be critically important since its one of the most powerful marketing tools the school has to offer.